What We Do

We have created a unique C-level engagement system specifically for Management Consultants who need to generate new and profitable projects, without relying on their sales and networking skills.

Most consulting firms have diverse methods for engaging new clients, based on “influence”, building relationships through networking and then working on expanding those relationships until an opportunity presents itself (that process creates a very long sales cycle).

Most consulting firms have a tendency to do a lot of free consulting upfront, dispensing a lot of their IP pre-engagement in the hope the client will recognize their value – dispensing valuable IP “pre-sale”, while other firms are doing the same, creating a race of who can impress the prospective client the most (a very unleveraged way to fill the engagement pipeline).

Most consulting firms are in “response mode” mostly when they have inbound requests for consulting projects, rather than systematically and proactively putting in place a system to target specific clients/industries they want to engage by drawing out c-level executives without resistance (this is the “path of least resistance” we have mastered).

For consulting firms, there’s the proverbial “elephant in the room” of lost consulting opportunities that never had a chance of coming to fruition because “influence” was the central client engagement foundation in place.

Most consulting firms focus their client engagement efforts on creating a “warm” market by investing millions in branding, credibility and “presence”, waiting for that investment to trigger invitations to bid on consulting projects – based on referrals, repeat client business, former work colleague connections and joint venture partners.

That’s a very expensive process for firms who don’t have unlimited funds, leaving their entire “cold” market wide-open and exposed to their competitors. Our Trusted Authority system can be leveraged to engage the larger “cold” market opportunities through rapid trust-building and authority positioning.

We solve all of the above issues and have created a highly valuable client engagement system that can create millions of dollars in project revenues, that can be deployed globally to consultants and partners within a consulting services firm – by accessing key executive decision makers around their most pressing issues.

Our system is based on reverse engineering of the traditional marketing and selling approaches used by consultants. We re-engineered the critical engagement pieces into an optimal sequence through target positioning, creating access to c-level executives — without having to over spend on branding and waiting for the next project to emerge.

Read about our philosophy here…